Stop Doing That ! (It’s Not a Numbers Game) – Episode 70

Stop Doing That ! (It’s Not a Numbers Game) – Episode 70

Is getting the job you want just a numbers game? Have you heard this - that if you just submit as many applications as possible, you’ll eventually get something? Maybe you feel you’ve already done that, maybe for a very long time, and it still isn’t working out? If...

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Becoming a Corporate Board Director [Part 2] – Episode 65

Becoming a Corporate Board Director [Part 2] – Episode 65

Do you want to join a corporate board but not sure how? You know you can be a great candidate, but not sure how to get a foot in the boardroom? If you’d like some expert guidance on exactly how to become a corporate board director, this episode with guest Jean Rush is...

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Becoming a Corporate Board Director [Part 1] – Episode 64

Becoming a Corporate Board Director [Part 1] – Episode 64

Interested in becoming a corporate board director, but confused about what experience you need to be a strong candidate? Do you want to join a corporate board but not sure how? If you’ve ever wondered about becoming a corporate board director, this episode is for you....

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Open to Work on LinkedIn – Good or Bad? – Episode 62

Open to Work on LinkedIn – Good or Bad? – Episode 62

Wondering if the “Open to Work” feature on LinkedIn will help you shift careers? Will it help recruiters find you, or make you an attractive candidate? If you’re interested in improving your profile to attract recruiters and hiring managers on LinkedIn, this episode...

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Building a Self Trust Mindset – Episode 59

Building a Self Trust Mindset – Episode 59

What does self trust mean? What is a self trust mindset? And why is self trust important? If you’ve ever doubted yourself to handle the hard things in life, perhaps you could use a dose of self trust, and this episode will help you build it. In This Episode of The...

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Three Steps to Moving Up at Work – Episode 58

Three Steps to Moving Up at Work – Episode 58

Are you interested in moving up into a physician leadership career within your organization? Is it time for you to transition out of clinical medicine into a nonclinical leadership role? If you’re looking for a guide to help you move up (or out) at work, this episode...

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Tame Your Notifications With This System – Episode 56

Tame Your Notifications With This System – Episode 56

Do you feel you’re getting buried by notifications? Are you tired of missing important notices or forgetting who you were responding to next?

If you’re getting overwhelmed by digital noise and need a better way to handle your notifications, this episode is for you.

In this episode of The Career Rx we’ll discuss:

My useful “one touch rule” for all notifications
The three categories I use that save time and energy
Some examples on how this organization system can be applied offline

Today we’re talking about how I manage notifications across many devices and even physical mail. I also include some information on an upcoming (free) Leverage and Growth Summit summit where I’ll be speaking as well as recommendations for how to clean up your inbox.

In this episode, I detail my “one touch rule” and the three categories I use for every notification I get and how it helps me keep things under control. With this technique you’ll stop wasting double the time on notifications you’ve already seen and not miss something important. You will check your email, voicemail, texts, and social media notifications much less frequently.

“I have adopted some of the best tips that I’ve heard around into a single system.”- Marjorie Stiegler

In this Episode:

[1:15] Too many notifications and no time to manage them
[2:00] Reclaiming your life with the Leverage and Growth Summit (it’s free)
[3:10] What does “control” mean to you?
[3:58] Explaining the one touch rule
[5:00] Time blocking and notification settings
[6:05] Deciding if something needs your attention
[6:23] Do this in two minutes or less.
[7:10] Implement a mindfulness snooze function (for your email)
[8:30] Using a tickler files with Sanebox
[9:10] Applying this system to snail mail
[11:00] Planning ahead on your taxes
[12:07] Turn off the backburner

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The Great Email Debate About Boundaries – Episode 55

The Great Email Debate About Boundaries – Episode 55

Does your workplace expect you to always be available via email whether night, weekend, holiday, or ‘normal business hours’? Have you been asked to limit your sending of email to within certain hours? If you get an ‘urgent’ email that’s sent outside of your normal hours, how do you handle it?

If you’re caught up on either side of this great email boundaries debate, this episode is for you.

In this episode of The Career Rx we’ll discuss:

The recent push to limit email ‘sending hours’
What email sending, checking, and replying communicates about boundaries
How to be sure your intentions are understood and your boundaries are firm, while working at times that work for you

Today we’re talking about the great email debate – should you or should you not send an email outside of “standard” working hours (whatever that means, anyway)?

In this episode, we’ll discuss what “off hours” look like to you, the importance of email boundaries, and whether delaying an email send time is actually helpful.

“I think people ought to be able to send [emails] whenever they want.”- Marjorie Stiegler

In this Episode:

[0:48] Boundaries in the workplace
[1:50] Only working “normal business hours”
[3:00] Defending your off work hours
[5:40] Getting things done on your own schedule
[7:20] Navigating the work/life balancing act
[9:00] What’s in your email signature?
[10:10] Handling your boundaries – stop apologizing
[11:40] Tweet me your answer to this question

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