What’s in a brand name? Choosing a brand name or a domain name is super important for your brand or business. This isn’t a decision to take lightly or to rush.

What goes into selecting a brand name? A lot! There are so many ways that domain names, social media handles, brand names, and company slogans can go wrong. Here’s a quick 5 point checklist – a video to help you select your name – and a few fun examples to help you get it right!

To get started, you need to think through a few key considerations for ideal domain names. Your brand name doesn’t have to identical to your domain name, but they should be recognizably similar. The same is true for choosing business social media handles. So, check out this video on choosing your brand name before you decide!

  1. How will it read? How will it look when it’s written down. Keeping in mind there will be no capitalization or separating of words. You want to make sure it reads in a way to make the words decipherable and memorable.
  2. Well, obviously you should watch the video to find out!




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