Constant Contact is a great email tool, but they also go way beyond email marketing to comprehensive customer engagement with website tools – including a website builder – and digital ads, including Facebook ads and Google ads. They make it easy and beautiful. I’m a fan (which is also why I’m an affiliate* and why I recommend them on my own website to my own readers and students!).

Constant Contact offers a free trial WITHOUT a credit card

One thing I especially like is that you can start your 60 day trial without a credit card. I’m not a fan of having to enroll in a subscription and hand over my card just to try a product, and then have to jump through a bunch of hoops to cancel. I realize that’s the way most companies do it, and I get why they do, but it’s worth a mention that Constant Contact doesn’t! You can get a 60 day free trial (US & Canada only, but other international countries can get a free first month with purchase) – none of this 14 or 30 day stuff that really isn’t enough time to see if you really like a product, in my opinion.


Constant Contact is easy to use, even for beginners

Seriously, they make it easy! Tons of templates, an intuitive dashboard and interface, and great customer support. In fact, they will literally walk you through how to navigate the platform and how to use different features. They do this during your free trial, right on the phone, to be sure you get the most out of your free trial experience. Why? Well, I’m guessing they invest this effort right away to demonstrate their commitment to you, and they hope you’ll become a paying customer who continues to use and love their product.


Constant Contact helps you look like ‘a real business’ right away

It’s clean, professional, and matches your website and branding. One thing I especially like is how easy Constant Contact makes these sophisticated, professional activities – like email marketing automation, list segmentation, landing pages, and customized branding. You can send email for free or practically nothing from lots of platforms…maybe even from your website platform itself (like Kajabi) or a simple plugin (as with WordPress). But Constant Contact has really advanced functionality that’s simple to use, and they make you look like a professional business even if you’re a brand new solopreneur just figuring it out!

There are over 100 mobile responsive templates to choose from, and they have a “Brand Your Email” feature to create a unique email template in seconds based on the images and colors of your existing website. You don’t need to know any code or anything tech-y to take advantage of their drag and drop building, simple previews, and customization options.


Constant Contact is modern on mobile

Mobile, mobile, mobile. Everyone is mobile these days. Constant Contact has an app so you can do what you need to do from your own mobile device, and their templates are all mobile-responsive so your emails and landing pages look great on mobile devices as well as bigger screens. You can preview your campaigns in both formats before you schedule or send. And, since Constant Contact knows how important it is to grow your contact list even if you don’t have tons of website traffic yet, they go beyond sign-up forms for your website – they have ways to add contacts from their Facebook app, during in-person events, and with text-to-join capabilities.

Constant Contact has robust analytics to help you grow

See which emails are working for you, which get opened, which get clicks, etc. This helps you get better over time, and you can even send different follow up emails to your lists depending on whether they already opened or clicked a prior email. (This is the beauty of segmentation!) In addition to tracking standard open and click rates, you can view spam, bounce and unsubscribe rates, and get actionable business insights through their click heat maps, most successful subject line reports, and more.

Constant Contact has been around forever

This is important! Because they are big and well-established industry leaders, they not only have the functionality you want, but they also have the integrations that make your life and business easier. Simply, they play well with others, such as Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Eventbrite, Office 365, Quickbooks, Outlook, Google, Salesforce by Cazoomi, WordPress, Facebook, and more. If you are using (or plan to use) your website to sell physical or virtual products, or to promote services and appointments, or to grow a community, or to get people to attend events – well, these are some fabulous integrations that support that ‘next level’ of your business.

Even if you aren’t quite there yet, it’s important to think about what you want to do eventually, because it’s easier to scale with a product or platform that is already built for what you want to do. Got 30 minutes to watch a video? Here’s my advice about what to consider as you build your website:

Ok, that’s my two cents on Constant Contact. I hope you found it helpful. Please let me know what else would be useful to know, and of course, if you sign up and give them a try, I’d love to hear about your experience!

Here’s a handy link to my other tech recs and resources. If you’re considering a particular platform or product and want to know what I think, drop me a note. If I’ve tried it out, I’ll be happy to elaborate.

*What’s an affiliate? This means I earn a commission when someone signs up through my links. Of course, this doesn’t cost you anything extra, and sometimes my affiliate partnerships actually allow me to offer better deals than you can find elsewhere. Either way, I only recommend products that I know and like, and I’ll give you my honest opinion always.

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