Comprehensive and efficient physician-centric digital strategy for serious professionals.
There are many critical reasons that modern physicians simply must be online. You’re probably way behind. We can fix that.
As a physician leader, you may want to:
recruit better candidates to your practice
establish expertise and credibility for yourself or your group
get breaking research and healthcare news in real time
know what your patients are reading online
find research collaborators, get research inspiration
educate the public
increase the effectiveness of your political advocacy
manage your online reputation
This course is for healthcare leaders who
1) recognize the need to control their online presence, and
2) need a strategic plan aligned with organizational and professional goals, but:
don’t have the time to learn or dedicate to implementation
don’t know that they can easily change what google displays about them
lack critical knowledge about search engine optimization
can’t afford to make mistakes that live forever on the internet
Don’t waste time or take risks.
You’ll get a step by step formula for success AND a roadmap to prevent blunders that hurt your professional credibility.
Here’s a preview of the curriculum, which includes live sessions and go-at-your-pace modules:
My fast and easy “get started” action plan, including
The 4 absolute minimum steps to take immediately
Step-by-step walk through for setting up a professional social media account: zero prior experience needed
Avoiding the three common mistakes that are health care social media “never events”
Best practices for creating a professional and consistent web identity
Crafting a compelling value proposition for your profile/bio
Ensuring consistency across platforms, and why it is important
What to include (and what to never do!) on your profile
Connecting with others and making an impact
Simple, no-fail growth strategy – an exact blueprint for your success
Getting the right followers – targeted to your goals
Etiquette and use – “alphabet soup” explained
Harnessing hashtags and influencers
Sounds like a lot to do? It isn’t!
I include these free bonuses to show you exactly how to automate and simplify the process, to get maximum impact in minimal time:
Blogging without starting a blog; web presence without a website
(Almost) effortless platform growth techniques
Strategic analytics to easily measure your influence and monitor engagement
Productivity secrets to get a week’s worth of work done in just minutes
Best practice guidelines to increase how often people read and share your content
Request enrollment information by clicking here
Why did I create this course? Frankly, I get so many requests from colleagues and other physicians to help them get social media savvy. I’ve already devoted countless hours to this, because I believe it is so important. With such tremendous demand, I simply don’t have enough hours to volunteer, and I can’t keep up with one-on-one consulting for everyone who wants it (though I do still offer that on a limited basis – email me if you are interested). The right social media and web strategy will amplify the impact of your expertise, whether to advance a healthcare cause or your own career – or both!