Terms, Conditions, and FAQs

How do I know if this is right for me?

I’m dedicated to providing you with an excellent training experience. However, my courses aren’t right for everyone.

These courses aren’t right for you if:

1. You’re looking for a one-on-one business coach. I do try to be responsive, and I offer specific office hours for personalized Q&A time, but this course does not offer specific one-on-one time with you or unlimited access to me for questions and consultations.

2. You already have strong mastery of online marketing principles, such as content creation, traffic generation, brand differentiation, search engine optimization, and strong working knowledge of social media platforms. I also don’t get into granular details relating to legal stuff – taxes, business structure, liability, etc. Even if I mention it as an important component in one of these courses, you need to consult your attorney and your accountant for that kind of expertise. I might share some experiences with you, but it’s not legal or financial advice.

3. You want something passive, or aren’t fully committed. I pour enormous human effort into my side of the program and I want to work with equally dedicated clients. If you don’t intend to execute, this isn’t the right course for you.

Why take a course when there’s free info online?

Good question! There’s more free information available on every imaginable subject, including the topics in these courses. In fact, my own website and social media pages have lots of free content on bits and pieces of career acceleration training. So, if you already know what you need to know, and you know where to find trustworthy sources, you do not need this course.

But you’d have done that already, right?

I don’t offer any top secret information, but I do offer an organized curriculum, great resources, and specific action plans.

Plus, I’m just like you. Physicians looking to build professional visibility and grow entrepreneurial endeavors are a specific niche. What works in external industry (speaking, marketing, blogging) doesn’t necessarily translate for us. I already know that, and bring you the information you need from the lens of a physician like you.

What’s the tuition? What’s the time investment?

The tuition is $1400.

Referral discount: If you refer a new colleague who enrolls and pays in full, you’ll both get a $200 refund. You can make unlimited referrals, although your refunds are limited to the total tuition paid. Alumni of any Rx Series or TransforMD program can enroll in subsequent training for 50% off – contact me directly to register.

The investment in time is more complex. At a minimum, I recommend planning for about 3-5 hours per week to view, read, and digest the trainings. Executing the action plans will take another few hours, and this may vary significantly. The amount of time it will take you to complete those will be influenced by factors such as:

  • Your overall clarity and how quickly you make decisions
  • The baseline level to which you have already established yourself
  • Your comfort and ability to learn with basic technology
  • Whether or not you choose to complete every piece of coursework
  • Your general organizational and time management habits
  • Your thinking, writing, and idea-generating style and pace

To be clear, you should expect to continue to work on your business with consistent and focused effort long after the conclusion of the course. That’s the reality of entrepreneurship.

What about refunds, guarantees, and certificates?

What about CME or a certificate? These courses are intentionally unaccredited, which allows me to be flexible in what I offer and when, and allows me to offer training at a reasonable cost. I’m happy to give you a certificate of completion, but there are no official course credits, degrees, diplomas, or CME offered. This course may be tax deductible as a business expense – check with your tax professional.

As with any business or professional endeavor, your results will be based on many variables, such as your level of effort, time, dedication, business acumen, personal qualities, knowledge, skills, and a host of other factors. Since these factors differ for each individual, I cannot guarantee your success, results, or income level, nor am I responsible for your success or failure. None of my programs are ‘instant results’ schemes – but they do have the information and tools you need to help you achieve your desired results.

I’m certain that you’ll find value in this program if you put in the effort.

Please read the information on the course description and these terms and conditions.

Although the program materials will be available for you to complete at your own pace after they are released, Office Hours and the Refund Policy are time-limited. This is because the course is based entirely on my intellectual property, and because I want you to jump in and get to work! I’m committed to you, and I expect you to be committed to this program – so don’t sign up unless you’re serious and you believe this is the right investment for you. My website and social media pages have lots of free content for you if you’re just interested in checking things out.

Once you’re enrolled, I truly want you to be delighted! If you don’t feel you’re getting value from the course, I’ll cheerfully refund your tuition. Simply give it your all for two weeks, and if it isn’t right for you, tell me why so I can learn.

To be clear:

  • The refund period is absolutely firm. This program begins on January 21, 2019. To be eligible for a refund, you must submit your written request via email after February 4, 2019 and before midnight on February 15, 2019.
  • Your refund is contingent upon a few actions on your part. You must submit your completed course work for the entire first two weeks of the program. You must also answer a few questions so the course can be improved based on your feedback.
  • Whether to grant or deny your refund request is at the discretion of this program.

Other important legal information

You are purchasing program access for one person. You may not share your access or any of the course materials. You may not duplicate, distribute, or post the course materials. That’s stealing.

The course materials – including videos, PDFs, this website, and other materials – are proprietary intellectual property. You may not create any derivative materials from these, and you may not use the course materials in any way whatsoever except for your personal, noncommerical use.

If you infringe upon intellectual property rights , you may be subject to civil and/or criminal penalties.

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